The nutritional food pyramid that is commonly used contains guidelines for adults, not young children. The recommendations for portions and servings are not appropriate for children. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) does have a food pyramid for children, but it has recommendations for young children between the ages of two and six. But what about babies? What is recommended for one and two year olds to eat?

Because babies have no food pyramid suitable for them, it is necessary to build one based on what foods and their servings are recommended by pediatricians and parents.

Toddlers are constantly growing. Therefore, to meet these needs, parents must make sure their children are getting the right amount of important foods. Babies between the ages of one and two should consume about 1200 to 1400 calories per day. These calories should come from a variety of healthy foods. The foods eaten must provide the necessary vitamins that children need each day.

    Babies should have at least two servings of meat each day. These servings can come from eggs, chicken, beef, etc.
    Babies should have about two to three servings of fruit each day. These servings should come from bananas, apples, pears; try to stay away from acidic fruits in the beginning, they can irritate your baby's bottom.
    Babies should have about three to four servings of dairy each day. These servings should come from milk, yogurt and cheese. They are easy to digest in most babies.
    Babies should have about three to four servings of vegetables each day. These servings should come from carrots, peas, green beans, yams, etc.
    Stay away from gassy vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. Babies are not ready to digest them.
    Babies should have about four to eight servings of grains each day. These servings should come from breads, cereal, pasta and crackers. Try to serve your baby whole-grain products rather than enriched.
    When serving snacks, make sure that you are serving healthy snacks that are full of essential nutrients.


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